Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Caustics, caustics everywhere!

A little personal project I did today after school. I was fooling around with glass shaders and glorious caustics, which like DOF effects, take a decade and a half to render. I like how this looks though. The piece was modeled by Jeremy Birn, lighting td @ pixar, and I textured and lit it. 3ds max + vray + photoshop

EDIT: I've got an 8am class and yet I keep messing with this thing. I'm too tired but is the perspective out the window even correct? For some reason I can't wrap my head around what that would actually look like from that angle. I did the depth of field with a Z-depth alpha map in photoshop. SO much easier than doing it with the vray camera.


  1. that is so cool, wow. When you say it was modeled by someone, do you mean they had the ideas for placement, or that they actually provided some sort of file that you inserted?

  2. he pretty much just created the raw geometry, the rest is all me, he and his friends let you use use geometry for whatever projects you'd like as long as you credit him :P

  3. I wish I could help you but I'm not a math genius, however your experiment is pretty cool :D Nice blog, following!

  4. Cool experiment I like how those look

  5. Cool stuff, I am a daily user of Photoshop and have dabbled a little in 3dsmax. Following!

  6. That looks really cool man. I really wish I had your level of skill with computer graphics...

  7. very cool!!
